Friday, June 19, 2009

Sew, Sew, Sew your bonnet.....

S and I are going on TREK! *cheers* We are packing the bare neccesities into a 5 gal bucket, putting on pioneer dresses and old fashion headgear and starting off next week to live like the pioneers.

We'll be pulling (or pushing) handcarts on average 5 miles a day in the wilderness. I've been working out, taking long walks, and doing push ups to get ready. I even mowed my lawn the other day without the self propel thingy engaged. *wiggles eyebrows up and down*

We are so excited!

Well.. we are actually exited more about the company then the attire and accommodations. Also the experience itself. Our family has been researching our ancestors and the other pioneer that left everything to come and make a new place here in Utah.

I am so thankful to them and what they went through to make this a terrific place for my family. I'm grateful for their examples and hope that I can be a little more like them because of this trek.

I'm appreciating them a lot more today because I am struggling to sew a few skirts and pantaloons for myself. Domestic arts are not my forte. I'm glad this project won't be graded or scrutinized too closely. I am SOOOOOOO glad that I, at least, have a sewing machine. I can't imagine making all of my clothes.

See? already I am turning my hearts to my ancestors....

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