Monday, September 28, 2009

Verbal Personality

This is what S brought home as a description of a certain personality. Hmmmmm.. She thought it sounded a lot like me. What do you think? Does this fit?

"You need to say, hear and see words. You like to speak, write, read, and listen. You can verbally or in writing explain, convince, and express yourself. You enjoy writing and creating words. You "LOVE" books. You like to tell stories. You like to be "secretary", take notes, and use word processor. You like to talk to people, write thoughts down on paper (journal), write letters, create poetry, understand puns, listen to people talk and speaking in front of others. You like creative writing, tongue twisters, puns and humor. You work word puzzles, and enjoy solving riddles. You are interested in the meaning, sounds, and rhythms of words."


Ang said...

Hits the nell on the head! Sounds exactly like you!

Lisa said...

Thanx Ang! And it don't say a think abowt spellin.

I was thinking about this, your favorite tease, today when I was trying to get the kids to lose their cache valley accent and pronounce a word in the lesson. They couldn't "hear" it and they didn't know what word I was saying until I said it with our accent and then the lights clicked on and they could define it. *laugh*

Can you guess what word it was?

*drum roll* Mail/Mell

They struggle with sounding out Said/Sed also Funny thing was that the speech kids "got it" first cuz they're speech prob is with adding the i sound to everything they say.